Mr. S was every bit the high school art teacher, with an artistic and creative bit of fluff on his face for Movember and the sort of airy personableness I've come to expect from the artistically inclined. We chatted about the school and his work some, about N's art and her line of work, about our plans for the coming year or so. Then we wandered, talked to Mrs. E, who was primarily concerned with C's love life and Mr. K, who was the charismatic sort of history teacher that everyone loves to study under.
He made at least one joke that involved making the universal hand sign for eating pussy. I like the fellow. He is porn waiting to happen.
We spent a lot of the day talking to N's old roommate and "mom," the lady that took her in after her father had kicked her out. She's an eccentric older lady with a love for jewelry, travel, gossip and h
We came back to C's house after picking her up at work (or, rather, meeting her at her work so that she could pick us up), and I immediately took one of the best naps any man has ever had anywhere. I was woken up by a pretty girl with an offer of supper and promises of parties to come, so through the haze of sleepy time, I ate and got my shot together to head over to A's place.
We played a lot of Tetris: The Board Game and chatted about either things I knew nothing about, or whatever lude topics I could come up with. I predrink harder than these kids party. Amateurs. ^_^
Also, N kicked my butt at Tetris twice. My status as Guy Who is Great at Games is in grave peril, methinks.
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